Are You Dealing With Ankle Pain?

Chronic lateral ankle pain is pain that is a recurring or chronic pain on the outside portion of the ankle. This often develops after an injury ankle painsuch as a sprained ankle. Your podiatrist in Indianapolis and Crawfordsville, IN, Dr. Yong Chae, can examine each patient and determine the cause of their particular pain. He is well versed in treatment options for ankle pain and is dedicated to helping his patients to relieve their pain and discomfort.

About Ankle Pain

Some of the most common signs and symptoms of ankle pain include:

  • Stiffness
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness
  • Repeated ankle sprains
  • Pain on the outer side of the ankle
  • Difficulty walking on uneven ground
  • Instability

Some other causes of ankle pain other than ankle sprains include:

  1. Torn or inflamed tendon
  2. Fracture in one of the bones in the ankle joint
  3. Arthritis in the joint
  4. Inflammation in the lining of the joint
  5. Nerve injury
  6. Scar tissue in the ankle after a sprain

Going without treatment for an extended period of time can further extend one's injury. Proper footwear is important as it can support the foot and ankle the best. For many patients, custom orthotics may be helpful for any type of pain in the foot, not just the ankle.

Ultimately, your podiatrist in Indianapolis and Crawfordsville, Dr. Chae, has countless treatments available for his patients. Some of the most common treatment options for ankle pain include anti-inflammatory medications to reduce swelling. Physical therapy also has been successful as it focuses on strengthening the muscles, restoring range of motion and increases the perception of the joint itself. Ankle braces can also be used. Steroid medications are used to reduce inflammation and for arthritis.

For more information on professional ankle pain treatment from an Indianapolis and Crawfordsville, IN podiatrist such as Dr. Chae, call his office at 317-328-6622 today.

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