When Bunion Surgery is Necessary

Is it time to consider bunion surgery?

Are you dealing with painful bunions that leave you rubbing your feet every day? While there are a variety of nonsurgical treatment options designed to ease your sore, achy feet, sometimes a bunion has progressed so much that the only way to truly treat the deformity is by surgically correcting it. Wondering if bunion surgery is in your near future? Our Indianapolis and Crawfordsville, IN, podiatrist Dr. Yong Chae can help you determine if bunion surgery is right for you.

Bunion Surgery is Not Typically Necessary

Just because you have a bunion doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to get surgery. While it’s true that surgery is the only way to correct this foot deformity, there are far more conservative treatment options that our Indianapolis and Crawfordsville, IN, podiatrist will prescribe before resorting to bunion surgery. Bunion surgery is typically considered the very last treatment option when all other options have failed.

Is it Time for Bunion Surgery?

Bunion surgery is an elective procedure, so you’ll want to discuss this surgery with our Indianapolis and Crawfordsville, IN, foot and ankle team first. Here are some reasons why our podiatrist may recommend getting bunion surgery,

  • You have been experiencing severe and persistent foot pain often for more than a year
  • Your bunion is impacting your daily activities and routine
  • You have tried nonsurgical treatment options and nothing is providing you with relief
  • You have limited mobility due to your bunion and it’s impacting your quality of life

If we determine that bunion surgery is the next best step, we will explain the treatment process, the surgical technique we will use, as well as the recovery time. Most recovery periods after bunion surgery take several weeks, depending on the type of surgery you receive, and it’s important that you can take time off work to recover from your surgery. Most patients have to stay off their feet anywhere from 6-12 weeks to allow the bones to heal properly.

If you are dealing with severe pain and other problems due to your bunion, surgery may be the next best option. To discuss bunion treatment options with our Indianapolis and Crawfordsville, IN, podiatrist Dr. Chae, call Active Podiatry today at Indianapolis, IN, at (317) 245-6223, or in the Crawfordsville, IN, office at (765) 362-7200.

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