Treatment Options For Foot Pain

Foot pain and discomfort can make it difficult to go about your normal daily routine. Whether caused by an injury, arthritis, repeated stress on the feet, or an improper step pattern, foot pain can prevent you from doing the things you enjoy. Dr. Yong Chae, the experienced podiatrist at Active Podiatry in Indianapolis, IN, treats foot pain. He can develop an individualized treatment plan based on the cause of your foot pain. 

Types and Causes of Foot Pain

Foot pain can be caused by many different factors, such as an injury to the ankle or heel. Pain and discomfort can be experienced in different areas of the foot, depending on the type of injury. Some common types and causes of foot pain include:

Heel Injuries: Heel injuries, such as plantar fasciitis or Achilles tendinitis, are a common cause of foot pain. Both conditions are caused by inflamed or strained tendons or tissues. Runners and other athletes are often affected by these two types of heel injuries. Plantar fasciitis is associated with pain along the bottom of the heel. Sometimes pain and discomfort can also be felt in the arch of the foot, as well. Achilles tendinitis is associated with pain along the back of the heel. 

Ankle Injuries: Injuries to the ankle, such as a sprain, are another common cause of foot pain. An ankle sprain occurs when the foot and ankle move in different directions, which causes the ligaments in the ankle to become over-stretched and possibly torn. Ankle injuries that do not heal properly can result in chronic ankle instability, pain, and discomfort. 

Bunions: Bunions are bony protrusions located along the side of the foot near the base of the big toe. Bunions usually develop when the big toe joint becomes dislocated, which causes the bony end of the joint to press against the side of the foot and protrude outward. Bunions often become inflamed and painful throughout the day as the interior of the shoes rubs against them and produces friction.

Treatments for Foot Pain

Treatment options for foot pain depend on the type of foot pain, as well as the cause of it. Some of the methods used for treating different types of foot pain at our Indianapolis, IN, podiatry office include: 

  • Resting the feet
  • Applying ice to the injured area
  • Wearing custom orthotics 
  • Inserting protective padding in the shoes
  • Performing special exercises to increase strength or improve joint mobility 
  • Using compression bandages
  • Wearing night splints
  • Surgery 

Our highly skilled podiatrist can diagnose the cause of your foot pain and develop an effective treatment plan to promote proper healing and provide lasting pain relief.

Many options are available for treating foot pain. Our knowledgeable and caring doctor can recommend a specific course of treatment for you. For the treatment of foot pain in Indianapolis, IN, schedule an appointment with Dr. Chae by calling Active Podiatry at (317) 245-6223. Our Crawfordsville podiatry office can be reached at (765) 362-7200.

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