Common Causes of Foot Pain

If you're suffering from foot pain, Dr. Yong Chae at Active Podiatry in Indianapolis or Crawfordsville, IN can provide expert care to help alleviate your discomfort and get you back on your feet. By visiting our podiatrist, you'll receive a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Dr. Chae will examine your feet, diagnose the root cause of your foot pain and recommend the most effective treatment options. Whether you have plantar fasciitis, bunions, or any other foot condition, our podiatrist can help you manage your symptoms and improve your overall foot health. You can prevent future problems and maintain an active, pain-free lifestyle to care for your feet.

Common Causes Of Foot Pain 

Foot pain is a common affliction that affects people of all ages and lifestyles. It results from everyday wear and tear to underlying medical conditions. One of the most common causes of foot pain is poor footwear, such as shoes that are too tight, loose, or lack proper support. This instability can lead to many issues, including blisters, corns, calluses, and even plantar fasciitis.

High-impact activities like running, jumping, or dancing can also cause foot pain, particularly without proper form or equipment. This overexertion can result in stress fractures, Achilles tendonitis, or shin splints. Arthritis is another common cause of foot pain, particularly in the toes. Inflammatory conditions like gout or rheumatoid arthritis can cause severe pain and swelling in the joints of the foot, making it difficult to walk or stand for extended periods. Diabetes can also cause foot pain as high blood sugar levels can lead to nerve damage and poor circulation, resulting in numbness, tingling, and pain in the feet.

Finally, structural issues like flat feet or high arches can put undue pressure on certain foot areas, leading to pain and discomfort. Whatever the cause, seek medical advice to determine the underlying issue and develop an effective treatment plan.

Your Initial Visit: What to Expect 

When visiting Active Podiatry for foot pain, you can expect a thorough evaluation of your foot condition. During your initial visit, Dr. Yong Chae will ask about your medical history and symptoms, conduct a physical exam, and may order imaging tests to help diagnose the problem.

He'll then discuss treatment options with you, such as medication, physical therapy, or custom orthotics. You may also receive recommendations on proper footwear and exercises to strengthen your feet. Our podiatrist will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan to help alleviate your foot pain and get you back on both feet.

Please explore our website to learn about the conditions we treat and the services provided. If you have questions or concerns regarding your foot pain in Indianapolis or Crawfordsville, IN, and want to schedule an appointment with Dr. Yong Chae at Active Podiatry to discuss relief, call (765) 362-7200.

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